Chronic Spender
So I was watching DoubleSavingDivas on YT earlier and they posted up a vid about turning the light on concerning how and what we are spending our money on. I had been thinking of my financial situation and the ruin that society is in now for some time (I mean who hasn't). I admit that I have a problem when it comes to spending money. I cannot stop myself from spending money. If I have cash on me it's gone within a moments glance and money in the account is a click away from being spent. I suspect that boredom has some to do with it but in the end it is a lack of judgement on my part. I spend and deal with the repercussion later. Before I get money, I already know what it will be spent on. So I've decided to turn the light on. I have to pull the reins on myself and really get it together. I am going to try and prioritize and get things straight. Now I never make promises that I know I can't keep, but I am going to have to do my damnedest to keep myself in line. So this is me turning the light on. The first step is admitting one has a problem. I AM A CHRONIC SPENDER!~~You make it a great day~~