The unstoppable train that is Slumdog Millionaire
For weeks now, really two months or maybe even more, I've been hearing about the fantastic film "Slumdog Millionaire." There was the Oscar buzz, the overnight success of the actors and film. I was not interested in it, much less had heard anything about it to peak that interest prior to January. I saw no previews, no promotion, the movie just seemed to pop out of nowhere. Which is much of the case with foreign films. I watched the Oscars last night and "Slumdog Millionaire" walked away with many of those golden statues, one of which was Best Picture. I then decided to watch the movie, to see what all the "hype" was about. My goodness, what a great film. Truly, just wonderful and lovely. The characters were so engaging and the movie reeled me into that world and the lives of Jamal, Latika, and Salim. On my Youtube channel, I recently decided to do reviews of low budget, foreign, straight to DVD movies. This movie does not really fall into the category that I had made for my reviews but it is one of those great finds. Definitely something worth watching. I don't like to use the term, "Must see" because everyone is entitled to their opinion and is capable of making their own movie choice, so this is a movie one will not regret viewing. I have always been fascinated with the Indian culture and as it is now called Bollywood genre. I remember growing up in Miami, there was a Bollywood channel that my mom, sister, and me used to watch. Their music is beautiful. The rifts that they can make their voices swim through are amazing. They are such beautiful people and have a very rich much to be desired culture, in my opinion. But in the midst of all these wonderful things, lies the harsh reality of poverty. I think many Americans have experienced the realization that our customer service calls to various companies are not home-based. What I believe, that we do not understand is the need for it. Or their need for that call center, no matter how deplorable the conditions. The weave that I have in a bag in my closet also comes from this ravished area. So many things that I takes for granted are a life saver for many in this area.
I have seen my share of short documentaries or glimpses of a clip or commercial about the desolation in the poorest areas in India and still never truly grasped the severity of the situation. It took viewing movies like this to see through the haze of ignorant eyes. "Slumdog Millionaire" is a great film that depicts the life of three children's lives in the slums of Mumbai. Their journey in the muddied streets and waters of the poorest neighborhoods is riveting. What a lovely movie. I just watched it, so I am at a loss for the right words at the most. But in closing, I strongly believe that this cast deserves every great things that has come and is coming to them.
~~*~~You make it a great dat~~*~~
Labels: dev patel, freida pinto, slumdog millionaire
Art Inspiration
I love this painting and it has endured 4 moves in a 5 year relationship. So I dedicate this look to my De Albo. That is the painter that made this work of art. I purchased this while I lived in Miami at an art gallery. Enjoy [both pieces].

United States of Tara
I love Showtime. They always come out with these original, never been done shows. I have followed since The L word, Tudors, and Dexter. My new fave is United States of Tara. Toni Collete is truly a breath of fresh air. The dialogue and characters are a dream. Tara's son, I love, he is just too adorable for words. Toni's character is simply divine, considering that she is quintessentially 4 characters. The show is just something to watch in the muddiesd waters of mundane television. Original, new, fresh (i know all meaning the same thing). The cast is great with their roles and the characters are quite involving. The fact that Tara's sister is completely hitting on her husband is something to note. The fact that Tara truly has no clue what is going on in her children's lives is something to talk about. And the fact that she has such an amazing husband to stand by her in all the mayhem is note worthy. Among the few gems on tv right now, this is a real find. I love the dynamic of this family and just how functionally, dysfunctional this family is. It's really a great show to watch. Anyway, let me continue my viewing. Laters...
Labels: collette, showtime, toni collete, united states of tara
Pure Foolishness
So at present, I'm eating green gummy soldiers from Kara's Chocolates and drinking an ice cold Corona. I'm watching Family Guy and throwing my stress away with the beer in hand. So this economic crisis has really gotten close to home for me. I can only hope that school will be of some kind of solace the desolution that has overcome this world. My husband has fianlly been hit by this crisis and I can only thank God, that the govt. decided to advise their bill for veterans' ediacation and housing. Times are really rough now, I only fully grasped the situation yesterday, when our only financial stability was shaken. Everything happens for a reason and that is how I can view it because now my husband will finally take advantage of a great opportunity and go back to school, as will I. I just needed to vent.
Chronic Spender
So I was watching DoubleSavingDivas on YT earlier and they posted up a vid about turning the light on concerning how and what we are spending our money on. I had been thinking of my financial situation and the ruin that society is in now for some time (I mean who hasn't). I admit that I have a problem when it comes to spending money. I cannot stop myself from spending money. If I have cash on me it's gone within a moments glance and money in the account is a click away from being spent. I suspect that boredom has some to do with it but in the end it is a lack of judgement on my part. I spend and deal with the repercussion later. Before I get money, I already know what it will be spent on. So I've decided to turn the light on. I have to pull the reins on myself and really get it together. I am going to try and prioritize and get things straight. Now I never make promises that I know I can't keep, but I am going to have to do my damnedest to keep myself in line. So this is me turning the light on. The first step is admitting one has a problem. I AM A CHRONIC SPENDER!~~You make it a great day~~
New Hair Regiment
Hey all!So I was watching Ateyaaa's vid on YT (Youtube) about some new products that she will be trying out. With rave reviews and much faith on this product from her, I decided to purchase the set. Of course my compulsion to spend money had much to do with it as well. Anyhoo, my hair has been the bane of my existence for some time now and I figured it's about time I do something about it. Like, start taking care of it; LOL. So I am going to put Nu-Gro to the test. I purchased their Mega Hair Value Kit which was pretty darn inexpensive at $24.99, which includes Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Oil and Moisturizer. Shipping on the other hand threw me for a loop ($12.99) but imagine shipping four products filled with liquid, so I concede.
So ever since my pregnancy with my daughter, my hair has been dry, brittle, and resistant to growing in the back. And this has been slowly crawling up to the crown of my head. This product promises to thicken and help grow the hair with 100% all natural ingredients. I believe them, because when I read the ingredients I was a bit taken aback. I was like, "this HAS to work." I saw garlic, parsley among other things and it made me think of a woman in the kitchen with thick, flowing hair; skin as flawless as a canvas stirring her homemade care routine products. The shampoo and hair oil, smell divine with a hint of the garlic and parsley not too far behind the nostrils but the hair moisturizer smells intensely of herbs and the conditioner is heavy with the scent of garlic. But I am reasoning that nothing good for you ever smells too great. So, here is what the products look like and I will be keeping you updated.
So I am trying this out for size. I'll get the hang of it through time and havin a blast in no time. So welcome to my blog and keep in touch. ~~You make it a great day.~~